Sydney Waterspout Video - Damage on video

Mar 19, 2004
Mt Warrigal, NSW, Australia
A rather strong waterspout caught from a helicopter - the footage is quite spectacular.

Thanks to the guys from South East Queensland storms for keeping a copy

The water spout occurred Friday 4th August, at the time the area was under a line of maritime thunderstorms. The storms had formed due to unstable conditions with 18C sea surface against almost -30C 500mb temps and an upper trough. It occured at La Peruse a Sydney suburb ( named after a french sea captian who was only just beaten to Botany Bay by Captain Cook - how history could have been different ).
I've gotta believe that's a tornado over water vs. classic waterspout, it went awfully far inland (plus they talk about a lightning strike and I've never heard of lightning associated with waterspouts.)
I've gotta believe that's a tornado over water vs. classic waterspout, it went awfully far inland (plus they talk about a lightning strike and I've never heard of lightning associated with waterspouts.)

There was probably a wind convergance boundary in operation as the line persisted for a couple of hours, however from me a big NO to supercell and MESO, I draw the line there. The storms on a typical summer storm scale were not that impressive at all.
Not at all saying there was a supercell (no way to even come close to that with the video!) Just that it wasn't a classic waterspout...
According to the research by NWFO in Key West, FL and Lower Keys Waterspout Project - lightning/thunder accompanies about 20% of all waterspout events.

Martin Kucera