Hey Thomas, how are you?
I am beginning to believe that suction vortices are a part of the life cycle of quite alot of tornadoes, mostly at the stage of when they have just touched down, as this still give the possiblity of any breakdown bubbles, to travel down the funnel, where internal downdrafts can come out under (or through) the base of the funnel, depending on the intensity of the rotaion and width of the funnel itself
Suction vortices aren't necessarily resticted to being in a vertical manner, they can come out of a large tornado horizontally, (May 3rd '99 F5 being the prime example of that) as well as smaller tornadoes, but this is a rarity.
Swirl ratio, is something that I simply haven't looked into at all, as I never looked to use that data when I was operating the tornado machine I had, but to my understanding of it, the swirl ratio would be more or less how flat or acute the angle, to the side of the funnel, that the inflow jets would the drawn in from, but I believe that angle of updraft plays a part in this also, but I'm not sure because this is only my take on it, because I haven't been interested in looking to read up on all the scientific terminology, but I'm here to live and learn
I'm not aware of any papers/studies on suction vorticies as I simply haven't been on the look out for them, but I suspect that the late Ted Fujita, or else Howard Bluestien, Josh Wurman, Chuck Dowsell, Erik Rasmussen, or some of the other well known legends out there would be able to point you in the direction of any studies made on suction vrtices
I do know that Dr John T Snow, once turned a science lab into a 10ft tornado machine at one time, and he was able to reproduce some excellent multi-vortex tornadoes, in fact, he had recorded some of the experiments on microfilm, but I asked John about these clips and he said that the microfilm would be too delacate to try and transfer to any other format now, which is a pitty, but it would be worth sending him an e-mail if you get the chance and see if he may be able to help you
I don't know if this is of any help or not, but I wish you the best of luck reguardless