Stunts vs. Chasing

I doubt he'll ever do this as most of his stuff looks like more hype than true attempts at tornado stunts. But this is right up there on the darwin award list:,0,1701817.story

I actually ran into Steve Green on 6/13 in the TX Panhandle and the Tornado Attack vehicle. Coincedentally he had Andy Gabrielson helping him out when we crossed their path. He was really is a nice guy, a little crazy, but given our passion...which of us could honestly say we all aren't a little crazy chasing a storm. As a fan of NASCAR, IRL, etc, I had known his name for many years. If that is what he wants to do, so be it. I will watch from a safe distance, and cheer him.
.... If that is what he wants to do, so be it. I will watch from a safe distance, and cheer him.

I feel the same way. I suppose I value my good health and rather simple life here on earth too much to do something like this... but some people just have a passion for pushing the limit. If someone could forecast for me where a tornado would form well in advance, and If I could afford to build a structure in the ground with a clear bullet proof dome, I can't think of any better place on earth to be than right there in the center of that tornado. This guy may have the same passion as me, he just says to heck with being safe. Or, he may be doing it just for the attention... I don't know... his vehicle looks pretty serious. I look back at the first explorers in North America... then the first settlers... and then those who went west for gold... and how crazy some of that was and how many died doing it. We've gone to the moon, climbed the highest mountain, gone as deep as we can in the ground and oceans, and some have died doing these things. People have always pushed the limit. What is the limit now?...its not getting close to a tornado.... how many can say they've looked up into a tornado?

And I agree that the guy in Mexico is playing around in dust devils... you were doing that before you were old enough to drive weren't you Warren?
And I agree that the guy in Mexico is playing around in dust devils...

Dust devils? Big deal! Who here hasn't 'core punched' a devil? :rolleyes:

The guy talks about weighing himself down with lead ballast to avoid becoming airborne. I don't think he quite 'gets' the notion that large chunks of flying debris will chop and crush him to a pulp.

I can't help but think of the "Will it blend?" series of videos, and suspect our hero just may wind up looking something like this: