Streaming 101 (asking for advise)

Apr 24, 2011
Ankeny, Iowa
Hello all!
I'm attempting to nail down a solid streaming setup. Looking into the world of streaming I feel a bit overloaded and was hoping you guys could help. I have searched the forum for info but could not find all the answers. I have the cam picked out (Microsoft webcam that so many chasers have had luck with) but that's about it. Because I use Mobile ThreatNet I have never had to rely too much on cell data. I have always just used my iPhone 4 (Verizon) as a hotspot while out for pulling up pages it works fine, but not too sure how it would do for streaming.

I've seen people using air cards and such but was curious if the was an improvement in using those vs. a iPhone hotspot. I've looked into cell boosters and plan to grab one soon any recommendations?). I plan to use Money really isn't too much of an issue, if it works I'm willing to buy it. I'm thinking the laptop I'm using is plenty capable, brand new dual core with 6 gigs of ram. I've already downloaded all the software from and getting familiar with it.

So really just looking for the hardware end of it. I have watched Micheal Phelps' tech video on streaming but being it was posted in 2010 I didn't know if it was outdated info. He makes mention of using a "Cradlepoint router" not sure if that's required or not. I also saw he uses 2 broadband cards, not sure if he is using both at the same time. I have the same basic Microsoft GPS he has.

My goal for streaming is just for friends and family to be able to tune in and check it out. Of course I'd be interested in getting the best quality stream I can get. I'd love to have the integrated chat room like some use, but for now I'd just like to get up and running then focus on the details later.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much,
You can certainly use your iPhone hotspot to stream. Folks like to use datacards though because they're dedicated (they don't tie their phone up) and you can attach an external antenna and direct connect amplifier to them. That certainly isn't required, however. The cradlepoint is another nice extra that makes working with the datacard easier, but again is not required.

My advice would be to try streaming and see how well it works for you. If you find some nagging issues with hardware or reception, you might then consider upgrading. For the casual streamer, just sharing with friends and family, I think you're probably good to go.

I stream just fine with the iphone. It does become a pain when you are getting txt messages and calls while you are using it as a hotspot, but all in all its a great setup. Look to get a wireless amp...its much better than the cradle setup.
I would check out the Maximum Signal Wireless Amps. I have tried every way to stream and I have tried every amp made up until the last year or so in my personal vehicle but have also hooked up to some friends devices just to see how they compare and there is no comparison to the Maximum Signal Wireless Amp. It will allow you to share the device with a minimum of 8 devices if not more. And they can be on different carriers. It fits in the palm of your hand and the power draw is 1/4th of an amp. Plus it won't kick other people off the towers like some other amps have been said to do since they send a constant amount of power and it just overwhelms the carriers tower.