Stratellite - mobile Internet

Dec 4, 2003
This appears to be a hot contender for mobile Internet technology -- using stratospheric relay airships.

There are a lot of advantages to this system and I think it's got a great chance of making it out the door. A great way to get broadband in the field (assuming this thing doesn't require a dish)!

It looks like we may come full-circle to the 1950s, when modified bombers were put in orbits across the nation every evening to serve as microwave relays for broadcast TV. Yes, seriously, they really did that.

curious point

It's curious that it mentions how it would connect to an access point, in a home or office.... which leads me to believe that it will need a fixed trasceiver.

It would almost have to, since the distance to this thing would excess of 13 miles at it's shortest distance(below it). It would need to have some kind of specialized equipment to receive YOUR signal from that access point... cause that's a long way for even a standard cell phone to communicate.

It's key that they mentioned they have "designed" the nations first wireless broadband network... "Designed" doesn't mean implimented or even tested.

One final point... I would wonder if the inbound or outbound signal would be effected by thick cloud cover/rain/thunderstorms, i.e. when we would want/need it most?

I have an email in to them... we'll see what their response is.

I sure would like to see it happen. We need more competition in the broadband market.
And the response

As to my previous post and question regarding weather interference...

Here is a quote from the Chairman of Sanswire Networks, LLC.


The fact that the Stratellites are only 13 miles from the earth's surface
will prevent the weather problems associated with satellite transmission.

Thank you for your interest in the Stratellites.


So there you have it...

Any comments?

I guess there're two sides to the fact the stations are in the low stratosphere: the effect of weather on transmissions would be localized over the client urban areas; and the coverage area of the stations would be localized over the client urban areas. In otherwords I wouldn't count on this service being available soon out in the sticks where you want it for chasing.

BPL (Broadband-over-Power-Lines) has reached some accomodation with the FCC, the ARRL, etc., and is being tested. BPL might be the preferred mode for rural areas where wired broadband is uneconomical. Assuming it accomodated roaming that could really be a killer app for the electric utilities.
All I want...

All I want is 33 to 56k internet connection... sustained... no drop-outs, etc.

Neither Tim's Digital Atmosphere or Gibson Ridge gobble up that much bandwidth but getting it to be consistent is key...and "in the sticks", would be the "holy grail" of remote data acquisition.

Guess I'm greedy.

Happy Holidays to all!

I just had to post this Stratellite customer support joke... it was buried in Slashdot and was too funny to pass up.

Support: This is Gas Bag Networks, how may I help you?
Customer; Yeah, the Internet went down.
Support: Can you describe the problem?
Customer: The &!#!&#$ blimp crashed into my living room!
Support: Sir, the network appears to be fine. We have not received any reports of trouble from your area.
Customer: I can see the blimp smoldering in my living room.
Support: We require several people in your area to report a problem before we can open a ticket for you.
Customer: The blimp has crashed through my living room ceiling, I need help.
Support: Sir, what operating system are you running?
Customer: Why does that matter, the blimp is down. Please send someone.
Support: Sir, are you using a router?
Customer: Uh, yes.
Support: Sir, could you please reset your router by unplugging it, waiting 30 seconds, and then powering it on. Please tell me when you have done this.
Customer: What does my router have to do with the blimp crashing!!
Support: Sir, lets try disconnecting your router completely and plugging your network directly into the BlimpoNIC.
Customer: Listen here buddy, there is nothing wrong with my computer. Your blimp has crashed into my living room!
Support: Sir, let me connect you to our public relations department. Before I do so, is there anything else I can help you with today?
Customer: No!
Support: I'm transferring you now sir.