Stormy Skies 2012-13: Wild Weather for All Seasons video

John Farley

Apr 1, 2004
Pagosa Springs, CO
I am pleased to announce the availability of my 2013 weather observation highlights video, "Stormy Skies 2012-13: Wild Weather for All Seasons." Among a number of other interesting storms, this video features the entire lifecycle of the Rozel, Kansas EF-4 tornado on May 18. For more info on the video, please click the link below:

The cost is $10 for DVD or $15 for Blu-Ray, plus $3 shipping. Or I will trade with other chasers who have 2013 highlights videos.

Stormy Skies 2012-2013 contains a variety of storms, not just tornadic ones. I think it would be fair to say that John is a weather chaser and this shows through his DVD/Blu Ray. I appreciate that as I consider myself foremost a weather chaser.

The disc opens with some Thundersnow / Thunderslush events in Colorado, I enjoyed this as it is something that I will probably never get to see. Next is May 18 Rozel and the whole life cycle of tornado 1 for that day is captured.
May 30 is another interesting chase, while there is no tornado I found it more interesting than many tornado footages I have seen. In John’s own words “ that is one impressible wall cloudâ€￾ , even more so when what you may have thought was a persistent fly is actually a helicopter completely dwarfed by the immense wall cloud. This wall cloud proceeded to give some strong rotation.

The last few storms on the disc appear to be “localâ€￾ chases for John, although I suppose far east Colorado is still a few hours east of his hometown. I enjoyed these storms as they remind very much of storms I would see over here in Australia. The highlight of these storms would be June 18, when he zooms in on a microburst, I have been around long enough to know severe when I see it.

The disc finishes with a montage of numerous photos of lightning, rocky mountain scenery and cloudscapes and some ominous pyrocumulus.

I swapped for the Blu Ray version and it was clear and colourful.