Good day all,
Great thread guys - Thanks for starting it!
I have a photography page for all this kind of gallery stuff (storms, nature, etc) as a stock photography sales / preview page. The link is below (the shots are awesome but water marked)...
Note that the larger images on the site are water-marked (yes, I too was a victim of 'stolen' imagery in the past) ... You all have some fantastic shots on your sites - I recommend that you water mark them as they can so easily be "right-clicked" and "saved" and that's it - Used for anything (after cropping a name / date-stamp or something).
Below are some of my lower-resolution images of some of my "best pictures" (posted here only) ... Enjoy
1). EF-4 Wedge tornado near Bowdle, SD on May 22, 2010.
2). EF-3 Tornado and supercell near Beloit / Tipton / Glenn Elder, KS on May 29, 2008.
3). Incredible mammatus near Concordia, KS on May 29, 2004.
4). EF-4 Wedge tornado near Marquette, KS on April 14, 2012.
5). Galveston seawall (Texas) during hurricane Ike in September 2008.
6). CG Lightning in Eastern Colorado on May 28, 2005.
7). Eastern Lake Michigan near St Joseph, MI in lake-effect blizzard in early February, 2008.
8). Hurricane Sandy and waves east of Florida in late October 2012.
9). Intense brush fire in South FL in April 2004.
10). "Gorilla" hail (5" or larger) money-shot on June 7, 2007 near Wisconsin Rapids, WI.