ST Logo Contest Preliminary Poll 1

ST Logo Contest - See Voting Instructions

  • Boggs 1

    Votes: 24 25.8%
  • Edwards 1

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Collura 2

    Votes: 15 16.1%
  • Olson 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Neal 2

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Dildine 1

    Votes: 13 14.0%
  • Perez 1

    Votes: 10 10.8%
  • Hayes 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Locke 1

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Foster 2

    Votes: 7 7.5%
  • Hayes 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lawson 1

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Foster 1

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • Collura 1

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Marti 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gulden 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kucera 1

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Duchesne 1

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Boggs 2

    Votes: 4 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mark Blue

Former owner (RIP)
Feb 19, 2007
Please note there are 2 preliminary polls that contain the logos that were submitted as part of the Stormtrack Logo Contest that began in October 2009. The contest was reinstated on November 10, 2010, and you can now submit your vote for the logo you believe would best represent Stormtrack in the future. The vBulletin software unfortunately has a system limitation as it pertains to creating polls and will only allow 20 choices per poll. Since there were 38 logos submitted that means there will be 2 preliminary polls (19 each) followed by 1 final poll after all of the votes have been counted from the preliminary polls.

Once the preliminary polls end the votes from both polls will be combined and a final poll will be created. The logos that receive the most number of votes (regardless of which poll they were in) will be entered into the final poll. The final poll will include as few as 6, but may include as many as 12 logos. The reason for the range of 6 – 12 is I want to try and account for any logos that receive the same number of votes. If any logos receive the same number of votes (tie), they will be included in the final poll. The lowest number (6) would only be used if there is a small number of logos that receive a majority of the votes and the rest have a substantially lower number. If something unexpected happens the above parameters may change slightly, we’ll just have to wait and see how the voting shapes up.

The most important point I want to make is you can only vote ONCE in 1 of the 2 preliminary polls. I encourage you to carefully review both preliminary polls before you place your 1 and only vote. If you vote more than once your vote will be canceled and you will be notified via the private messaging system. I will do my best to notify anyone that votes more than once that the vote has been deleted, but I cannot promise that you will receive an opportunity to vote again before the poll deadline arrives. The voting results will not be visible until the poll closes and if you choose to post who you voted for that is fine. The poll is set to close on December 20th.

The link for the other preliminary poll is listed below for your convenience.

Preliminary Poll 2


Boggs 1


Edwards 1


Collura 2


Olson 1


Neal 2


Dildine 1


Perez 1


Hayes 1


Locke 1


Foster 2


Hayes 2


Lawson 1


Foster 1


Collura 1


Marti 2


Gulden 2


Kucera 1


Duchesne 1


Boggs 2

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It looks like there is quite a bit of voting going on with this preliminary poll and poll #2 as well. Don't be afraid to discuss what you like and don't like as far as the logos are concerned. I think everyone did a great job with their logos and the final touches some put on their logos really stepped the game up a notch. GRAE never ceases to amaze me with the detail it shows on certain radar images (Hayes 1 and 2). I'll have to get better at using it and step my game up a notch this coming year!
I really like Perez 1. I prefer logos that don't incorporate full color photographs because it allows for more versatility in their use. They will print better on various media, can be scaled (if created with vector graphics), and they are more distinctive. I also like seeing the logo have more of a general appearance rather than being tied to one particular event or software package ("oh that's May 3" or "That's GrLevel2AE"). There are some really striking photo logos too though and I'd have to say Boggs 1 and Kucera 1 would be 2nd and 3rd on my list.
Yeah, there really are a lot of great entries on here. My logo has a lot of competition, and it will be a miracle if I even get close to the top spot.

I like Collura 1 and 2, but I also really like Lawson 1. Lawson 1 may be my favorite out of them all. Really, everyone did a superb job with their entries, and ST will definitely have a great logo whichever one it may be.
shucks...I didn't realize, should have just had Foster 2 in there. If still pull out Foster 1.
Lots of great entries....I have to go with Boggs 1. Of course, the photo is amazing but I also like the font and how uncluttered it is.
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I agree Sean...Boggs 1 for me by a large margin. It has a lot going for it visually in ways that aren't easy to put into words. The copy should probably be a bit larger though.

Skip: I agree with your take on logos but I see this as more of a banner image. The logo portion is then overlaid onto a full color image for this particular purpose.
Guys, remind me to pay you sometime next week. I mean...I mean, thanks guys!! :D:D

On a serious note, I appreciate the comments. Like I said earlier, many logos on here would be a perfect fit. I wish my image could be bigger, but it's set to the standard size that the Mods wanted.
What's the point of hiding the results but allowing people to voice their vote?
I had a hard time, but I'm going to have to give my vote to Perez who took creativity to the next level! Great effort everyone!

- Taylor
I agree with Skip on the Perez1 logo. Coming from a background in design I can appreciate the effort there. A logo should be simple and to the point, and IMO, should not be based around a single photo.

Good work.
IMHO: the word "logo" has been misused ever since this contest "began".

I think it is a little stunning that some people apparently don't even know what they are actually voting for. While discussion has gone here and there (into bumper sticker and t-shirt territory) for which the Perez1 logo might be "best", this contest's stated purpose was to replace the current Stormtrack header graphic and it is that which should be the criteria for judging.

While everyone should be commended for submitting their efforts, I can't help but be struck by a certain lack of understanding in the typography department for most of them. An otherwise good/great image was often compromised by a lack of understanding of color values, contrast, or the mood that a particular typeface communicates. IMHO, the Perez1 typeface/logo is far too whimsical for "Stormtrack", for example. As with anything, YMMV. :)

I'm admittedly biased, but I don't think this contest is even close. We'll see if the ST voters agree...
IMHO: the word "logo" has been misused ever since this contest "began".

I think it is a little stunning that some people apparently don't even know what they are actually voting for. While discussion has gone here and there (into bumper sticker and t-shirt territory) for which the Perez1 logo might be "best", this contest's stated purpose was to replace the current Stormtrack header graphic and it is that which should be the criteria for judging.

While everyone should be commended for submitting their efforts, I can't help but be struck by a certain lack of understanding in the typography department for most of them. An otherwise good/great image was often compromised by a lack of understanding of color values, contrast, or the mood that a particular typeface communicates. IMHO, the Perez1 typeface/logo is far too whimsical for "Stormtrack", for example. As with anything, YMMV. :)

I'm admittedly biased, but I don't think this contest is even close. We'll see if the ST voters agree...

Then perhaps we should rename the contest to the "Stormtrack Header Graphic Contest" and start over? ;)
Collaboration is huge for a successful design project. The client gets to consider things in new ways, and the designer has his or her vision refined. That process is difficult to implement in a submit-n-vote scenario.

If Mark, the admins and participants are agreeable, perhaps the banner/logo that's eventually selected could receive some group input and go through a bit of refinement. Like if the image is perfect but the text too small, or contrast makes the name difficult to read, etc., and if the submitter is agreeable, then maybe a 2nd & possibly 3rd version could be created & the refined variations on that logo could be voted on to get to the final. Might be a pain, but thought I'd toss that out there.
What's the point of hiding the results but allowing people to voice their vote?

I'll have to admit that I struggled with this when I set it up Jeff. You'd be surprised at how many total votes there are as compared to those who have stated who they voted for in the thread history. In other words, there are a lot of people voting who haven't said anything. The results will post at the end for everyone to see and if there is enough interest I could post an update of the top 10 or 12 about half way through. My thought process was that if the votes were visible during the poll it would have the potential to sway voters in their thinking. If users see that one logo has 23 votes and the one they were planning to vote for only has 12, they may change their mind and vote for the logo with 23 just because they don't want their vote to go to waste.

If there is enough sentiment to have the results visible throughout the entire poll we could certainly incorporate that into the final poll. The last thing I'll ever be accused of is not being flexible, so if enough members feel that way we can go that direction as far as I'm concerned. Just tell me what you all are thinking as there's plenty of time to change things up.