Sprites and Gigantic Jets?

Sep 7, 2005
Ozark, AR
Spaceweather has some pictures/video of some sprites (shot from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma on the 20th) and/or what they call Gigantic Jets of which I have never heard of.


Heres the Video

I wonder if a digi rebel xt would be able to pick up on them if it was attempted?
I'm sure one way or another it is possible with a still cam, finding them will be the problem. I've never seen them, though guess I haven't spent that much time looking. I actually thought about doing this the other night when a storm was clear up north of Sioux City, it was clear out, and I was seeing flashes from it, probably 80-90 miles away. Watched it a bit on the way home, didn't see any, and gave up.

What I want to get stills of are the reverse bolts, going upwards off towers. The last two nights I've seen a few, but they were way off in the distance. Seems to get those you need a very good mcs or a decaying one that was good, with a stirred up anvil(like intense mammatus dispalys).