Spotternetwork Loop?

Nov 23, 2009
Urbana, IL
Wasn't sure where to put this so it can be moved it need be.

I was told by a chaser he found a site where you can see a loop of what chasers did throughout the day with radar overlay and SN icons. Is this true? I was wondering if there was something like that, so I could watch where we went on April 4th during our nighttime chase. Thanks for the help!
The chaser you were talking to is probably referring to Antcam:
It looks like it is down right now, however.

I think Rob's reply is trying to point you towards the Position History link on the left side of the Spotter Network homepage. Here you can download a text file containing the positions you've updated from. You're going to have to write software to read these points, or manually plug them in by hand to Google Earth, Street Atlas, or GrLevel3, however.

My advice would be to, in the future, log your GPS data using Franson GpsGate. You can replay this data back in GpsGate, have GrLevel3 use this position and the archived radar from that day. You'll wind up withs omething like this: