Spellcheck. Please?

Shane Adams

Is there any way to bring back the spell check feature? I spend more time going back and fixing typos I didn't see (because they weren't indicated) than I do writing the original post. Unless there's some manual setting that I've somehow switched off, I just don't get the old red, squiggly line Spellcheck problem indicator I used to. Thanks in advance for any reply/fix.
Was there one built into the forum? Most browsers include a spellchecker by default. I'm using Chrome and it puts the red squiggle under any misspelled word I'm typing on any page. The options for it are available if you right click the box where you type, under Spell-checker options. Perhaps it got disabled in there, or another spot if you're using a different browser.
Aw damn. I thought this was going to be a bashing thread where we made fun of facebook and twitter posts rife with grammatical errors.

Such a clickbait title to me!
Since we're going to be moving away from the vBulletin forum here in the near future, it's not really worth tweaking on the vBulletin software. However, on the new forum software, I am using IE presently, on the beta test version for the admin, and it has the spell check feature that Skip referenced built in (underlined red line for misspelled words). I can check and see if it's a forum software add on (on the new forum) or a browser feature.
This seems like a good thread for this question. Is it tornados or tornadoes? I have heard that both are correct and have seen both spellings used by professionals. I just can't seem to accept that both are correct. I prefer tornadoes. Anyone else?
This seems like a good thread for this question. Is it tornados or tornadoes? I have heard that both are correct and have seen both spellings used by professionals. I just can't seem to accept that both are correct. I prefer tornadoes. Anyone else?

According to multiple dictionaries, both spellings are acceptable. However, I have always seen it, and spelled it, T-O-R-N-A-D-O-E-S. So I prefer that one. 'Tornados' reminds me of lazy students and stupid people, even if that's not true.
torna-DOS makes me think of some 80's-era operating system.

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Squiggly red line is related to the browser and not the forum software. Right click in the text box and make sure 'Check Spelling' is checked. Should be in most browsers at this point.
Revisiting this thread after having just spent more time fixing typos I didn't see (that weren't indicated) than I did writing the original post. Any news on the Spellcheck feature for the new forum? I'm currently using Safari fyi.
Changed the setting but still no spellcheck indicator. Oh well, thanks for trying.

EDIT: Nm, figured it out. Apparently it has to be done manually each time you open a new text field. Thanks for the help Jason!!!