Greg Campbell
Here's a question for the electronic nerds out there.
I recently bought a nifty USB based multichannel A/D converter and am looking to build a portable weather station. Getting temperature, wind speed, etc. is all fairly straightforward (pending calibration!) but I know nothing about humidity sensors. Does anyone have exerience with these?
I could build a wet/dry termocouple/thermistor setup, but that would require a small reservoir of water; I'd prefer a no-maintenance system.
I recently bought a nifty USB based multichannel A/D converter and am looking to build a portable weather station. Getting temperature, wind speed, etc. is all fairly straightforward (pending calibration!) but I know nothing about humidity sensors. Does anyone have exerience with these?
I could build a wet/dry termocouple/thermistor setup, but that would require a small reservoir of water; I'd prefer a no-maintenance system.