Soldiers to escort buses

Jun 16, 2004
Minneapolis, MN
Per the scanner feed, they're going to escort some buses to pick up people. They cannot go to the Superdome because
We don't have it
This guy was very adamant that they are not going to the Superdome.

Again, this is all from the scanner feed.

The soldiers(at least 100-150 in count) have to report to Tangier Mall in one hour. Chinooks are also possibly on their way but it sounds like all airmen are busy.

EDIT: Now they're saying there is no danger at Superdome and are now requesting helicopter to evac those with medical needs.

Sounds like total chaos...nobody knows what's going on.
They have to get to the Convention Center. A report is running on CNN and what's happening there is a human atrocity. They're showing video of dead bodies, and the reporter cliams that he watched a man go into a seizure and die in front of him. The people haven't eaten in 72 hours. There are no doctors, no police, and no national guard. No public officials at all are present. There is no semblence of civil organization.

At least CNN is zeroing in on this story. Maybe somebody in Washington will wake up from their afternoon nap and decide that they need to do something.
I'll say one thing: this anchorwoman on CNN right now is pretty pissed, and she's not pulling any punches. Thank God. Usually these anchors just parrot whatever the last government official said. I don't know her name, but she ought to get Peter Jennings' chair after this performance.

She might have single-handedly caused DHS Secretary Chertoff to call a press conference. They want to get her off the air!
Originally posted by Amos Magliocco
I'll say one thing: this anchorwoman on CNN right now is pretty pissed, and she's not pulling any punches. Thank God. Usually these anchors just parrot whatever the last government official said. I don't know her name, but she ought to get Peter Jennings' chair after this performance.

She might have single-handedly caused DHS Secretary Chertoff to call a press conference. They want to get her off the air!

On a related note... I've been surprised at the assertive nature of many of the news anchors on the cable channels. Sure, a couple of days ago, they seemed like parrots. But now many of them are getting very frustrated by the human disaster occurring in New Orleans right now, and that frustration can definately be seen in the tone of their reports and the questions they ask elected officials when they get a change. I'm sure most of the reporters in the area feel far more frustrated and are much more angered than many of us seeing how they are THERE, they see the dead bodies and they smell the stench. And in reality, I'm sure many of them have felt legitimately threatened after the sun goes down and armed gangs come out.
Yes. It's the first time in a long long time our media has stood up to this government. And even still, Chertoff doesn't seem to get it. He talked abouit his thoughts and prayers and the scope of the tragedy, then listed all the tonnage already sent.

Hey, nobody doubts they had a good plan and even better intentions. That's not the problem. The problem is that this catastrophe is off EVERYBODY's charts, and now their reaction has to be off-plan. They have to abandon what they THOUGHT they would have to do and do what the situation compels. Right now, there's some dumbass prattling on about the role of active military as opposed to local law enforcement, as if we're all in a PSCI 1310 class. Meanwhile, people are dying outside the convention center.

Originally posted by Edward Ballou
We had better response to 9-11 and we didn't even know that was coming.
Manhattan wasn't underwater either.

The media heads aren't standing up to the government. They're just freaking out like frightened animals, just like the people they are reporting on. It's inevitible that some if not most are going to simply lose it.