snow or camera problem?

Dan Cook

Dec 12, 2003
Lombard, IL
Yesterday it was snowing pretty good, so I decided to snap a few pictures for fun. When I was retreving them, I got this back:

[Broken External Image]:

Are those just snowflakes or a bigger problem? Because i took one indoors and they didn't show up, so I'm thinking snow.
Originally posted by David Wolfson
Those falling white flakes sure look like snow to me, but I must admit living in Phoenix it's been awhile since I've seen it. :wink:

It probably is snow, though I've taken snow fall pictures before and never captured big flakes before.
It's possible that it's some new plague that can only been seen when it's snowing and when one takes a picture. I'd go see a doctor very soon.
Originally posted by Aaron Kennedy
Wait a minute... it looks like one those pictures on the ghost site ; )


<img src= width=600>
The true meaning of "hydrometeors"!
from a recent snowstorm in KC

Mike U
Actually, some of the instruments to figure out drop size distrubutions and hydrometeor type are simply high speed cameras (and some not!) mounted in housings and stuck on aircraft.
