Christopher E. Kincaid
It is possible you got a bad one. Where did you buy it from? I saw Adorama selling some "new" ones on ebay. I asked them if they were new ones that had been returned by a previous buyer and got no answer to my question. If you got yours from there, then perhaps I was right.
Otherwise, hopefully you bought it somewhere that you can exchange it for another one. The lens is generally thought of as pretty darn good (see this thread: for examples).
I hope to have one for my K200D shortly.
I got mine from Amazon. I asked for a replacement and at first was told to contact Sigma for a warranty exchange! A nasty email from me took care of that an I got a second one. It was better, but still not good. I know UWAs are a different breed, but if I gotta crop the sides out (especially the left side) to get rid of the softness/blurring then what's the point of going UW? I wanted the Tokina 11-16 but couldn't find one so I settled for the next best bang-for-the-buck UWA the Sigma. I am not happy and will send them both back. Both lens were so bad I couldn't get my XTi to AF on anything but the center at 10mm. I called Tokina's distributor today and they said Adorama and B&H had some. I checked B&H and it said in stock! I was shocked because I have been watching for weeks and not finding any except on eBay (don't trust) and the bait-n-switch stores. I should have it on the 3rd.
Here is a good review of the Tokina:
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