Cool photos, Bob. This reminds me of something I wanted to ask about here on ST ... As Gustav made its way north last week, we were in the ne quadrant here in northern AR. I did not have my camera with me at the time I'm about to explain (I was in the parking lot of a Wal-Mart), but I observed what appeared to have been a vertical funnel -- as in, pointing "up" rather than down. It lasted for probably 30 seconds. Has anyone ever seen something like this at all? I know the low-level shear was pretty decent that day. In fact, only a couple of hours after this there was an EF-0 tornado in my county. It was just a weird sight, and since I've never heard of such a thing I sort of wanted to dismiss it, but maybe I shouldn't have? (I'm not leaving home without my camera if Ike heads our way, that's for sure!)