Severe flooding in Northeast Kansas

Oct 29, 2004
Olathe Kansas
From last night and this morning, up to a foot of rain had fallen in parts of Northeast Kansas. Darin Brunin's hometown of Rossville Kansas had/has a voluntary evacuation where he is now. If I recall correctly, Southern Jackson county was under 3 seperate Severe Thunderstorm Warnings early this morning. Governor Sebelius has declared an emergency in four counties. Several rescues have been made and as far as I've heard everyone is okay.

Full Story:
Here are a few pictures from yesterday in my hometown of Rossville. All is fine....My parents live on top of a hill outside of town so they did not get flooded and the water ended up about 30 feet from my grandmas house so that was a good thing. I would say over 50% of the town was under atleast 1-2 feet of water if not more. Here are some pics and more can be found at the link below. The first picture is on Main Street in the center of the town. It was a very weird feeling seeing this happen to the place I called home the first 18 years of my life.






Wow, I was wondering about your family. I was going to call you to see if they needed any help, or if you needed the kayaks to get in there! Let me know if they need a hand after tonight and tomorrow, it's a short jaunt over there to help out.

My Nissan Sentra was officially killed in the northeast KS flooding event of 10/2. I was driving through Leavenworth, Kansas that morning in blinding rain after I got off of work at Ameristar Casino at 3AM. All of a sudden, I hit a 2 foot deep puddle of water (which I did not see) at the bottom of a hill (drainage structures were not draining fast enough, leaving a tremendous amount of water on the road). My engine drowned, and now the car is being written off by insurance. Many businesses in Leavenworth, along Cherokee Street were damaged severely from flooding of the Threemile Creek, which caused water to rise to 4-5 feet above street level along Cherokee near Broadway Street, around 5AM in the morning. (I drove through that area an hour earlier, no flooding was occuring.)

I have now replaced the car with a new 2005 Nissan Xterra, so some good came out of the event.