schools to look in to for meteorology?

Jul 8, 2004
Mankato, Minnesota
I didn't really know where to post this but i guess this will work lol. Well anyways I am kind of curious what schools i should look into if I decide to go in to meteorology after highschool. I already know the basic computer models RUC, GFS, NAM, NOGAPS, UKMET, NGM, GEM, ECMWF, and probably some more I can't think of at the moment, also I have taken skywarn classes and those are really helpful for learning the basics/ some Intermediate stuff about how severe weather forms and I really learned a lot about RFD....soo anyways can anyone tell me which schools I should look into if i decide to study meteorology?


Plenty of schools to look in to... do you have any specific interests?

I am of course bias to OU, but it is heavily geared towards going the research route. Despite that, it still makesfor a good school due to a couple of factors. For one, there is a large number of internships/jobs you can get as an undergrad in Norman. Looks good on resume, and can build your web of people you know. In addition, if you do well here, there is name recognition that goes along with the school due to past graduates sucess.

Some of the Bigger schools that come up off the top of my head:
Penn State
Florida State
Texas A&M

Smaller Schools:
North Dakota
Iowa State

Plenty I've missed... just ones I hear about frequently

Wow, 15 years old and 5 tornados...well on your way!

As far as schools, It depends on the career you want to choose. As far as research schools: University of Oklahoma, Penn State, Florida State, Texas Tech are some very good schools. But if your wanting to lean more towards the broadcast end of meteorolgy: Mississippi State, Lyndon State are some schools more broadcast oriented toward broadcasting.

But remember, the education you can receive at one the research based schools will be so valuable throughout whatever career you might choose.

I am not saying this in a mean way but I am going to tell you straight up that getting a degree in meteorology involves a lot more than studying severe weather. You need to take every bit of math, physics, etc. that you can to prepare yourself for the classes that you will be taking. Of course you will be taking forecasting classes and courses along the lines of that but its a small part in my opinion of getting a degree. I currently attend The University of Kansas and here are their degree requirement's.

ENGL 101 Composition 3
ENGL 102 or 105 Composition & Literature 3
ENGL Elective* See Below* 3
COMS 130 Speaker-Audience Comm. OR --
COMS 150 Personal Communication 3
COMS 330 Effective Business Comm. 3
"H" Course Any Humanities 3
"S" Course Any Social Science 3
EECS 138 Intro to Computers (FORTRAN) 3
EECS 138 Intro to Computers (C++) 3
MATH 121 Calculus I 5
MATH 122 Calculus II 5
MATH 123 Linear Algebra and Calculus 5
MATH 320 Elementary Differential Equations 3
PHSX 211 General Physics I 4
PHSX 212 General Physics II 4
CHEM 184 Foundations of Chemistry I 5
EVRN 148 Principles of Environmental Studies 3
DSCI 301 Business Statistics 4
ATMO 105 Introduction To Meteorology 5
ATMO 321 Climate and Climate Change 3
ATMO 505 Weather Forecasting 3
ATMO 521 Microclimatology 3
ATMO 630 Synoptic Meteorology 3
ATMO 640 Dynamic Meteorology 3
ATMO 642 Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere 3
ATMO 660 Advanced Dynamic Meteorology 3
ATMO 680 Physical Meteorology 3
ATMO 697 Seminar for Seniors 3
ATMO 525 Air Pollution Meteorology 3
ATMO 605 Forecasting Practicum 2
ATMO 650 Advanced Synoptic Meteorology 3

If you want to check out meteorology schools that you want to go to anywhere in the U.S. you should check out this site as it will be a good tool to use.

I see that you are from Minnesota. St. Cloud State University is the only school that has a program in your state.

I hope this helps a little.

Thanks for info........Yeah 2 of those tornadoes of the 5 were not even further then 25 miles from our house so kind of lucky right there.

I kind of want to work for a nws wfo, but I've heard those would be hard to get into? because they don't hire that often?

We are doing this thing at school to prepare for what you want to do after highschool in terms of school. The teacher said something about North Dakota had a good program for meteorology. I looked into Okalahoma but couldn't find much.
yes, I am aware of that you have to be good at math, which I am average at. And I also know you have to study hydrology, air pollution, oceanography, computer science, and communications and probably more then that
yes, I am aware of that you have to be good at math, which I am average at. And I also know you have to study hydrology, air pollution, oceanography, computer science, and communications and probably more then that

Sort of... I didn't cover any hydrology, air pollution (other than some basic cloud physics and global warming/aerosols), oceanography, or communications.

yes, I am aware of that you have to be good at math, which I am average at. And I also know you have to study hydrology, air pollution, oceanography, computer science, and communications and probably more then that

Sort of... I didn't cover any hydrology, air pollution (other than some basic cloud physics and global warming/aerosols), oceanography, or communications.


I don't know what they're teaching at OU :p , but I took hydrology and a mandatory communications course at my alma mater Creighton University. They also offer courses in air pollution and hydrology. It is another one of the smaller up and coming schools in Atmospheric Sciences / Meteorology. The school has quite a few people from MN as well.
Well, hydrology is an elective class. It isn't hard to get a hydrology minor (only 2 or so classes extra), but I figured if I am ever at the point in my career where a hydrology minor would of helped... I've defintely gone the wrong way ;)

Well, hydrology is an elective class. It isn't hard to get a hydrology minor (only 2 or so classes extra), but I figured if I am ever at the point in my career where a hydrology minor would of helped... I've definitely gone the wrong way ;)

When I worked at FTW, the building was split between us and the West Gulf River Forecast Center. I remember their operations area being about the same size as ours (if not bigger), but it seemed they'd only have one or two people on duty at any given time.

Sometimes, during a severe weather event, we'd be running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and they'd be over there drinking coffee.

Perhaps hydrology ain't such a bad thing to study after all... :p

DISCLAIMER: No offense directed at hydrologists or the employees of the River Forecast Center. After all, there were times they'd be running around like chickens with their heads cut off, and we'd be sitting around drinking coffee - usually AFTER the severe weather episode that dropped 15" of rain on someone somewhere. And, besides, they'd come over and help us out when shorthanded.
Jordan, I am going into meteorology this coming fall and am only 50 miles away from you. If you are looking at school nearby so to say... Then North Dakota, Crieghton, St. Cloud State, Iowa State are the nearby ones.

Of course there are the well-known schools, such as an Oklahoma, Penn State, Texas colleges, and Florida Universities. But, if money becomes an issue for you as many times college does come down too... You may want to stick with a nearby college for those reasons. A good idea is to go visit the colleges, talk to some of the profs their. I went and visited Iowa State, Creighton and St. Cloud State.. All of them were good meteorology programs.

Just to reestablish the point that some of the bigger schools are huge in undergraduate work, they are involved in research. Sometimes their undergraduate program isn't as top notch as the graduate school.. No offense to any college/university, etc... That is just something that I have found out.

For classes, you are going to have to take the normal requirements like the English/History/Humanities, etc.. But, you will have to be taking most likely 3 semesters of a Calculus class, at at least 2 semesters of Physics. When choosing your classes for high school, don't take the easy route, take the top math courses you can, as well as science classes. And if you are able to be advanced in school, then it is always an idea to take some college classes when you are a senior. Such as I am going to have my 2 semesters of English/Chemistry done with, along with a speech class and possibly another. That will get you well ahead of other incoming freshman.

Hope that this helped.. If you have any other questions for me, then I believe you are a part of another forum I'm in.. :D
Jordan, I see you live in Mankato, MN. If you are looking for the most affordable education than consider the University of North Dakota, Wisconsin, South Dakota School of Mines and Tech, or St. Cloud State. Last I known Minesota had a reciprocity agreement with SD, ND, and WI so you can attend these schools at MN rates rather than the customary non-resident tuition. MN does not have a reciprocity with NE or IA so scratch UNL or ISU off the list if you can't afford the out state rates. Make sure you visit the various schools you are interested in. Get to know the profs. You may discover that you don't feel comfortable at a particular school. I went to SCSU in MN and can vouch for the solid met program but SCSU is the UC-Berkley of the north in terms of liberal distractions. If that is your political leaning than you'll do just fine.
