
Jun 21, 2004
Kansas City, Missouri
Hey all! After the Russell, KS storm chase last week, I decided to venture out and buy myself a scanner for my car, just a cheap Wal-Mart one, but decided to buy a Radio Shack external mount scanner antenna too.

Question... when out storm chasing in the field, who do you primarily listen to, the local spotter group, or the local police?

Thanks a bunch!
Ben Prusia
Kansas City, MO
I typically listen around to law enforcement on the radios. However in chases this year, I've found that if I am in an area populated with HAM-using chasers, I've rarely turned my scanner on. In the case of the Sterling, Colorado Tornado on June 9, I found that having the frequencies set to local emergency channels aided in keeping me clear of the tornado itself and leading me to the damage. Its useful, but the one I have is a bit over-board for what I actually use it for!
can anyone here supply a list fo scanner freq. That one in the field could listen to??? Thanks
I know most spotter groups transmit on the:

144-148 MHZ Frequency (which is a Ham band)

For the KC Metro Area (from the NWS Pleasant Hill):

Johnson 145.470 -
Leavenworth 147.000 +
Linn 147.285 +
Miami 147.360 +
Wyandotte 147.210 +
Shawnee Radio Club 145.210 -

Buchanan 146.850 -
Carroll 146.655 -
Cass 147.120 +
Chillicothe 147.225 + ...(Reception within 16 Co. area centered on Chillicothe)
Clay 146.790 -
Henry 154.98 +
Western Jackson 146.970 -
Eastern Jackson 146.700 -
Johnson 146.880 -
Lafayette 146.775 -
Macon 146.805 - ...Macon, Linn, Randolph, Adair, Knox, and Shelby Counties
Platte 147.330 +
Pettis / Sedalia EM 154.100 -, 147.03 -
Ray 147.375 +
City of Independence 145.310 -
City of Raytown 145.170 -
When I chase I keep the scanner on ALL the time. I mainly listen to HAM radio storm spotter frequencies and rarely to police chatter. I find out more information on other parts of the same storm faster than I do through police channels. Most HAM spotters are trained and don't call scud clouds tornados like I have heard with police channels. As far as frequencies, just do a YAHOO search like "ARES KANSAS FREQUENCIES" or whatever state you choose and you will find plenty of HAM frequencies like this for Kansas.

Make sure the scanner you get isn't a dedicated preprogrammed scanner. Pick one that you can enter your own frequencies in.