I never met Dave Schwartz, but I sure saw a lot of his broadcasts over the years. Compared to some of the other "glamour-pusses" (showing my age with that term..lol) that have paraded in front of TWC's broadcast cameras over the years, he always seemed to me to be the most unlikely "talent" that they ever hired. That's no slight to his abilities at all, he was more than competent in his weather knowledge. It's just that he wasn't blessed with the stereo-typical "movie-actor" looks, voice or stage presence. In fact, Dave always seemed a little bit of a goofus to me, yet I came to thoroughly enjoy his work over the years, and was glad when I'd tune into TWC and see that it was him on air at the time. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he always appeared to be in an upbeat mood, and I was always on guard for him to make some dumb joke or wiseacre crack that would make his on-air co anchor and the camera guy burst out laughing. I was stunned and truly saddened to hear of his passing....as he was far too young to make his exit. What really stands out in my mind now about him is that you just KNOW that there were times he was on air and undoubtedly in pain from one of his 3 cancer bouts. Not just the physical pain he'd have to overcome to do his broadcast...just think of the mental and emotional pain and turmoil he was in over the years, wondering if he was going to be leaving his family and friends....and not just the human heartache but also the nuts-and-bolts-stress of having to take care of all the loose ends like financial dealings, mortgages, car loans, home maintenance, etc. etc. that he'd want to wrap up before he'd be gone. I saw my own father go thru that in '93...and he taught me how to die. For Dave to be holding all that inside while he manned-up and carried on like a brave professional gets ALL of my respect...and that's a fact. It underscores why it's so important for each of us to try to be as patient and as kind to everybody we come in contact with each and every day....which granted, is so hard to do.....but you just never know what people are dealing with just under their surface.
GodSpeed Dave Schwartz.....I salute you for a job very well done, sir. You will be missed. You will be remembered.