Request for 3/30/06 Data

Jason A.C. Brock

My PC laptop crashed back in May and I lost some data as far as saved radar images and images of mesoscale discussions, graphicasts, sat images etc. from some chases this year. I am in the process making a video for the 2006 season. I may have to add 3005 to it to make it decent due to lack of storms this year. Anyways if anyone has saved images or know where I can get them from 3/30/06 or the severe weather event basically in Central Oklahoma id love to see those posted here or if you would email them to me at [email protected]
Im looking for anything anyone saved as far as mesoscale discussion graphics, graphicasts issued by OUN, sat images. Wind profile images, and radar images. I have the watch and convective outlooks for this date.

I am sure ill request some other dates as well but ill jsut add 3/30/06 for now.

Again jsut looking for the central OK stuff.

Thx guys!
