Replacement/Alternative for Globalstat Bu-353 or Pharos GPS-500?

Apr 24, 2014
Peoria Illinois
I'm wanting to use something other that googlemaps on my phone next time I go out chasing (that was a pain in the rear). I've seen that Streets and Trips is probably one of the best to use, however, it appears that the 2013 version of it is discontinued that came with the USB GPS receiver included. So, I found that both the Globalstat and the Pharos are both the best USB receivers that also can output NMEA 0183 data, which it appears is needed to be able to use it for other programs such as GRLevel3...

It also looks like both of those receviers are being discontinued as well? Are there any other ones that will work for what I want to use it for? Does BB or Radioshack locally carry an appropriate GPS locator? The integration of GPS into these different programs can be kind of confusing. Not "quite" sure what I"m going to be needing.

Yep, I found it after posting this. However, it also appears that Globalstat has released a new version (BU-353 S4). The chipset in the 353 doesn't look like it supports Windows 8 (althought there is a work around), while the S4 does natively support W8. Do you guys know if the S4 works fine with Streets and Trips/GR3V2?
Yep, I found it after posting this. However, it also appears that Globalstat has released a new version (BU-353 S4). The chipset in the 353 doesn't look like it supports Windows 8 (althought there is a work around), while the S4 does natively support W8. Do you guys know if the S4 works fine with Streets and Trips/GR3V2?

I can confirm the S4 chipset works well with Win8, GrLevel3 v2, Delorme Street Atlas, and GpsGate. The GPS should be no issue for Streets and Trips assuming Streets and Trips works with Windows 8. (I had a trial version of it that didn't).
Thanks Skip, I went ahead and purchased the S4! Gotta be better than googlemaps on my iPhone. Nothing screams accuracy like sitting at an intersection and having the GPS show you that you're about a half mile down the road.
I can confirm the S4 chipset works well with Win8, GrLevel3 v2, Delorme Street Atlas, and GpsGate. The GPS should be no issue for Streets and Trips assuming Streets and Trips works with Windows 8. (I had a trial version of it that didn't).

I can also confirm that this works fine with Streets and Trips 2013. There is a Windows 8 work around for the old BU-353 but I just ended up buying a new GPS since my old ones were pretty beat up. To get the Windows 8 work around I had to contact Globalsat.

For anyone looking to purchase Delorme Street Atlas with the GlobalSat BU353 S4 puck, or just the software itself, they are having a 20% off sale until this Friday, June 20th. Enter priority code 10072 during checkout to obtain the discount.