Rental cars and chasing

Dan Robinson

I am considering chasing Rita, so today I called two major rental car companies to hear from the source what their policy was on insurance converage for cars taken into these conditions.

This is "from the source": Insurance, including comprehensive insurance coverage, is null and void if damage occurs to the vehicle in the storm. Even if the renter is not trying to intentionally damage or 'trash' the vehicle, the very act of placing the vehicle in a hurricane qualifies as 'intentional'. Therefore, the renter will be responsible for the full cost of replacement or repairs to the vehicle in the event of storm-related damage.

I was advised to make arrangements with my personal auto insurance carrier to provide coverage for the rental vehicle, but was told they would also have the same policy.

I am wondering if it would be possible to purchase a $500 clunker with no collision insurance, liability only, and get rid of it after the chase.
I'm not so sure about that. Of course the rental company is going to say that. My insurance policy has very few limitations on what I can do and what they don't insure against. I have comprehensive coverage and my insurance company expects me to be responsible. In fact, they have already priced in my responsibility based on many factors.

Another thing to consider is that the amount of people intentionally driving into hurricanes is a rounding error to those companies.
Originally posted by Dan Robinson

I was advised to make arrangements with my personal auto insurance carrier to provide coverage for the rental vehicle, but was told they would also have the same policy.


If you have a platinum credit card, check with them as well. Many platinum cards offer rental insurance automatically and for free, so its worth checking. I'm not sure I'd mention that you are chasing the hurricane, though. I'm always one for honesty, but I can't imagine that they'd give you the "go" if you tell them that. Perhaps if you "stretch" the truth and say that you must go visit/support a family member who is ill and refuses to leave...? LOL
Don't tell them anything. Nobody has ever asked where I am taking my rental car. Most likely they will assume you are trying to evacuate, but again, they don't care what you are doing.
In both cases, the agents told me that they would be willing to rent me the car even if they knew where I was taking it. So, getting the car would be OK, the concern would be if any damage would happen while it was in my care - things like flying debris dents, broken/cracked glass, moisture damage/mildew and/or flat tires, etc.

If any of these things happened, I'd have to pay for them after I returned the car, even if I had the comprehensive or CDW insurance.

I wouldn't be so worried about totally trashing the car (I wouldn't take my own car if that was a big risk), but rather the smaller things that more likely to happen (flying debris dents, broken/cracked glass, moisture damage/mildew and/or flat tires, etc.).

If things like dents and moisture problems happen to my own car, it's no big loss because I don't have to fix them. I could also get the windows and tires fixed cheaply and at my own choice of brand and shop. I wouldn't even have to make an insurance claim for those things. If those things happen to a rental car, it's a different story. They're going to charge for full repairs and charge them at a premium. They could get the most expensive brand of tires, for instance, and you wouldn't have any say. I'm also sure there would be extra fees and penalties involved to boot. They're a business like any other, in business to make money, and surely wouldn't just sweep something like that under the rug.

I'm seeing a major risk of getting hit with several thousand dollars in repair costs if the rental car is damaged. In a hurricane, it's hard to keep a car pristine.
I am wondering if it would be possible to purchase a $500 clunker with no collision insurance, liability only, and get rid of it after the chase.

Hmm... sounds like my car... who wants to make the best offer? ;)

I'm seeing a major risk of getting hit with several thousand dollars in repair costs if the rental car is damaged. In a hurricane, it's hard to keep a car pristine.

Check your policy. My insurance covers me if I am driving a rental car. I never accept the extra insurance they offer since I am covered by my own policy and AMEX. As long as you don't take the car to Mexico you are fine.
Make sure you READ you credit card agreement about the insurance part for car rentals. Some cards only offer to pay your de-ductable on your own car insurance. A few years ago my wife hit a deer while in Montana in a rental and that all the card would pay for. Still goes on your insurance, just check and make sure.
Originally posted by Dan Robinson
I am wondering if it would be possible to purchase a $500 clunker with no collision insurance, liability only, and get rid of it after the chase.

Now you have to worry about that $500 clunker stranding you somewhere if you went that route.