Reminder: Video contest entries must be postmarked by 1/10

Dec 11, 2004
Janesville, WI
Just a reminder that all videos for the BNVN/Weathervine video contest to be held at the National Storm Chaser Convention must be postmarked by this coming Monday, January 10th. The response so far has been good, however, unless we are flooded with vidoes these last few days you have about a 50/50 shot of making the final 8. Good luck!

Scott Weberpal
Will the finalist be notified prior to the convention?

Scott Currens
The 8 finalists will be notified privately. The names of the finalists will not be released to the public until after the voting has been completed at the conference.

This should be the most fair way to hold the voting and remove any possibilities of voter fraud, voter intimidation, hagning chads, provisional ballots, and any Libertarian or Greens that think we need to hand recount 50 times and take it to the supreme court of chasing before the results are certified :-)
Are the rules listed on the site the most current set or have BNVN or Weathervine posted updates anywhere?

Just finished editing a ton of video today only to realize that only this year's stuff is accepted and not last's ... I don't know why I had it in my head that I could put last year's in there too, dang it. Back to the storyboards ...
Originally posted by Mike Peregrine
Are the rules listed on the site the most current set or have BNVN or Weathervine posted updates anywhere?

Just finished editing a ton of video today only to realize that only this year's stuff is accepted and not last's ... I don't know why I had it in my head that I could put last year's in there too, dang it. Back to the storyboards ...

Since the convention site is way out of date and does not have the latest updated prize money as well as the rest of the flame war hanging chad material...

AND, If you are still waiting to send in your video thinking there will be a deadline extension, No, Not Happening. Monday is the deadline for the postmark. You will want to send it 2 day mail then because Thursday Morning, I leave on a 6AM flight out of this sub zero frozen hell called Minnesota (GFS showing -15F OAT then) to my second home, Florida, and plan on kicking back and sipping some drinks that have sea salt on the rim and getting a Mr. Misty like headache in some 75F degree temps with the crew and judging some video.