Recommended for you and social media buttons...

Shane Adams

Is there anyway to lose the "recommended for you" box at the bottom right that constantly pops up now? It blocks text and is extremely annoying. Also, the social media buttons.....could those be placed horizontally at the top right, right of "FAQ" and below the banner ads? Just a thought. The social media blocks I can live with....but that huge recommend thing has gotta go.
Couldn't agree more... this "Recommended for you" box in the lower right corner is unrelenting in popping up every few seconds while I'm moving about the forums. Also agree about the size of the social media buttons...
I'm working on getting rid of that recommended for you thing. I hadn't seen that before until today. The buttons on the left were moved down to hopefully not overlay anything - let me know if those are still covering stuff up for anyone.
Thanks Dan. I appreciate the work you (and all the mods/owner) have been doing here. Love the site.
So is it possible to make the social media buttons configurable by user (whether they're present or not), or move them up on the bar beside the user name? They still annoy the heck outta me overlapping the leftmost edge of the forums/posts/etc... probably just me being nitpicky I suppose... but sure would be nice if I could turn them off or if they were in a different spot.

(thanks again for everyone's efforts in making vast improvements with all the new presentations though!)
The Social Media buttons are right over the back button in IE for Windows 8... Just saying