Really Stupid Question

Along the same lines...

How does one post an image so it is scaled and doesn't take up the whole screen without having to edit the picture in Paint or whatever?
Will keep the post there so future searches may be able to reference this reply:

Just type this in (normal text in a phpBB post area):
You might just consider leaving the link a URL unless it's just ungodly long. We don't really have the problem around here because by and large we have good folks here, but in some places, that link might not be what your expecting, or something malicious. Typing the full URL lets those that are extracautious that don't like to click links just copy the URL and past it in their browser.
You might just consider leaving the link a URL unless it's just ungodly long. We don't really have the problem around here because by and large we have good folks here, but in some places, that link might not be what your expecting, or something malicious. Typing the full URL lets those that are extracautious that don't like to click links just copy the URL and past it in their browser.

Well, to be fair, one can just as easily disguise a URL with another URL, so just because you see the link as a URL doesn't mean you're safe. For example, as I've entered it doesn't actually go to Google, it goes to my blog. So the full-URL thing is actually a false sense of security. The only foolproof way is to view the source of the page or to rightclick the link, click "copy link location", and then paste that into your address bar and inspect it before you hit enter. :) A nearly-foolproof way is to view the bottom bar of your browser as you hover over the link.

We have a pretty good community here, though, and I'm pretty sure that if anyone started linking to Russian Bride sites or something instead of the 120hr WRF, they'd be bounced out the door pretty darn quick-like. It also helps that we all tend to run into each other each year on low-maintenence roads in the middle of nowhere. Makes ya think twice before lighting up the online flamethrower! :lol:
You might just consider leaving the link a URL unless it's just ungodly long. We don't really have the problem around here because by and large we have good folks here, but in some places, that link might not be what your expecting, or something malicious. Typing the full URL lets those that are extracautious that don't like to click links just copy the URL and past it in their browser.

The only foolproof way is to view the source of the page or to rightclick the link, click "copy link location", and then paste that into your address bar and inspect it before you hit enter. :) A nearly-foolproof way is to view the bottom bar of your browser as you hover over the link.

Thought that was what I said? :p