Radiosonde on Ebay

Well my "thanks" button has disappeared, so Evan thanks for the info!

Also, I received two email replys one from the MTR webmaster, the second from Wayne Bailey and he said essentially that it is government property and he mentioned how to contact Ebay. FWIW, the reason I didn't contact Ebay first off was I thought these things were expensive and getting them back was truly a priority. I wanted MTR to have a chance to find the guy and get it back. Thanks to Evan's post I have a much better understanding now.
I don't honestly buy the agrument that once it is released into the atmosphere it no longer belongs to the government. I know in Kansas there is a law about selling property that is not yours. I can't remember the exact name of the law anymore but it something about mislaid property.

Yes it might not be worth the time and money to go after the guy but it is still property of the government that he is trying to sell.
From what I've gathered myself, is this: NWS isn't that interested in getting them back...because, well it's tax payer money for one, not out of the pocket of the individuals who build and work with them. Second, the cost to recover is likely higher than just making a new one. Third, a lawsuit could bring all kinds of other arguments that NWS doesn't want to get into (the proverbial pandora's box), especially in this day and age.

While I don't agree, and still think it is likely illegal to sell, and ebay should not continue the sale, they have chosen to leave it. This is no surprise considering the amount of complaints I've heard from all sorts of folks complaining about illegal merchandise being sold on ebay...even after hundreds of complaints.

I am curious, and could not find what the units costs new. I also wonder what is the savings per unit if reused. I'm really curious about that because it's tax money paying for it, and NWS (and the rest of NOAA) got budgets cut, and they need as much as they can save.

Wow, $103.50 for the final bid price.