Radarscope for Mac

please help a complete weather app noob out. How much of a difference is it going to make if i don't go with allisonhouse?

There's a good chance you won't have data for MDT or HIGH risk days in May/June. If you're armchair chasing it's not that big of a deal. If you rely on L3 data while chasing, that's a different story.
For those not willing pull the trigger on $29.99....I presume you haven't purchased GRLevel3 for $80. If it has 1/3 of the features of GRLevel3 then the price is about right.

I agree, GRLevel3 is worth every penny of $80, and RadarScope for Mac on its own is worth $29.99. But the Pandora's box is open when you have a $9.99 mobile app on the table.

The convenience and features of a Mac version have to offset the ability for me to just grab my iPad for radar data.
I still think Weather Tap is the best value for Mac (or other) users. Has a load of options and is less than $8.00 month I think. Unfortunately, the Weather Tap mobile apps radar has crummy resolution on an iPad and I'm not sure if it uses any accurate ground mapping. Because of data restrictions and limits imposed by Apple on the number of options in apps programming, I am not aware of any mobile apps that combines high-end graphics (though zoom ranges) with a good map overlay. Radar scope is great with Allision House data, but there are no detailed road maps so if you are chasing with this alone, it would be very frustrating. The Storm Spotter app has good mapping, but the radar resolution is not all that great, especially when zoomed. As soon as an iPad app has high resolution Allison House grade radar and detailed street mapping, it will be the one to buy.

Very nice. Not particularly feature-rich yet, but as Tyler suggests, hopefully it will get there. I would love to be able to dump my PC, but GR3 is just too nice. Maybe this will eventually catch up.

Then all I'd need is iMap Tracker software compatible with Macs. :) [/hint]

This is a huge, huge second from myself for iMap Mac compatibility! Please make this happen so I never have to boot Windows again!