Radar programs.

Apr 29, 2009
(I asked this question in the first topic of mine as later question, I feel stupid as I just found this forum --- stupid me :confused: )

I know that GRlevel3 is a favorite among chasers it seems, is there any other good radar programs out there that you would recommended, I know of Weatherscope also but I have never figured out how to get it to work.

Also has any one used RadarScope for the iPhone/iPod Touch? I have it and find it useful but I am wondering what the chaser's and other people's thoughts about this program.
StormLab is great, in my opinion it is right up there with GRLevel3. I use both GRLevel3 and StormLab. What I like about StormLab is its ability to view both L2 and L3 data whereas with GRLevelX you have to buy GRLevel2 to view the L2 data thus paying for 2 different software, with StormLab it's all right there in one single piece of software. StormLab is a bit higher than GRLevel3, but it's worth it.
I have and love RadarScope on my iPhone the new up date has Base Reflectivity with Tilts 1-4, Base Velocity and Storm Relative Velocity.
any chance you could post a screen grab or send one to me?

and for both..
can you zoom in on the radar?

It’s probably best if you took advantage of the free trial and play with it on your own to see if it’s something you could use. There are settings you can adjust to optimize the viewing on your particular device such as # of animation frames, image alignment, font size, width/height of the image pixel size, etc.

And yup, you can zoom the radar. Give it a try, you can’t beat the price!
My-Cast is simply spectacular on my Samsung Instinct. Extremely well written, zoom levels, animations and panning are all great for looking at radar. They recently updated their satellite to be visible animation from infrared, which is nice. All in map form it has lightning, dew points, wind speeds, temperatures, etc. I think it's $3 a month.
+1 for MyCast. I have it on my LG also. I love it, In fact seeing as I only have wifi haha I use it for radar out on the road.... haha, Radar on my 1 inch by 1 inch screen. It works =)
I use RadarScope on my iPhone and absolutely love it. I've used it on a couple of chases and have no complaints. It's also nice to have a radar feed in your pocket when you're eating in a restaurant, etc. You can leave the laptop in the car and not feel out of touch!

They did a great job designing this application. For a mobile device, it's pretty hard to beat.
