Kelton Halbert
This post isn't really related to the main topic of this thread, but this is a good place to throw this in:
What you may think is "noise" in the divergence field is likely signal that the surface stations are poorly resolving. Check out the surface divergence field from a 3 km WRF simulation in this image. And this is just at 3 km grid spacing. If you went down to < 1 km, you'd see even more detail/"noise". So don't be discouraged if your plots don't turn out the way you expected. It may be legitimate!
Thanks for posting that Jeff!
I honestly had no clue the divergence field was actually that "noisy" - I honestly expected things to be more broad/synoptic scale, especially on the 30km grid I'm using. I'm now less skeptical when I look at the divergence plot now knowing it may in fact be legitimate.
Once again, thanks!