Jeff Miller
6. Links. Lists of links exceeding ten lines are not appropriate for the Stormtrack forums and are prohibited. Link lists should be submitted to the Stormtrack links area.[/b]
Reference to the following thread:
This thread
Reason for proposal: Rules too strict to allow for exceptions of quality links which in specific situations can better serve the needs for the stormtrack community.
Support: 5 Stormtrack members have voiced objections to the current regulations stating they are too strict and that the poster in question should not have had his list removed due to the content and situation at hand.
Proposed Amendment
Links. Lists of links exceeding ten lines are not appropriate for the Stormtrack forums and are prohibited. The exception being links that directly contribute to an ongoing severe weather situation or are judged as quality content by the administrator and the moderator team. Spam or non quality links are strictly prohibited.
I know I am not a moderator or staff member here but I felt a need to voice an opinion. I do realize that most likely ( I would hope) that this is under discussion in the internal forums. I wanted to mention this here to see if anyone else is in agreement, not in agreement, simply does not care, and just get a feel of the general opinion. I completely understand and accept that this proposal will most likely NOT be accepted in its current form. The main goal of this is to bring this to quality, professional discussion in hopes it might bring a positive change.
Thanks for the consideration.