Premium Weather Service

Joey Ketcham

With March just about a month and a half away I'm going to be subscribing back to WeatherTAP, but before I do... I came across a site called Premium Weather Service and for about the same price as WeatherTAP also offers radar products.

Is anyone familar with this service? Is it worth it?

The site is
I have been using MyWeather for over a year and have liked it. I didn't know their headquarters was right here in Madison.

Today we had some interesting weather pass through. I fired up MyWeather page and could immediately tell exactly where the heavy weather was heading, it's direction and speed. The storms were traveling 70-80 mph! You can plug in your longitude and latitude. They are pretty close, not perfect, but one of the best I've seen.

Their radars also show mesocycles, watches and warnings. You can see the entire country, or just your area. I think they even offer a free 30 day trial so you have nothing to lose for trying. I hope you enjoy it. I know it sure helps me spot the storms and predict their arrivals.
Not familiar with the service you mentioned. I've used weathertap for a few years now - and I still think one of the most valuable aspects of their products is the java radar products providing the lat/lon - so I can then know exactly where things are relative to me, at least where they were - since of course the data is always 1-6 minutes old. The down side is that the products are rather expensive to download over a slow phone modem. I'd be interested to know if the lat/lon is available with this other service you mentioned.

Lat/Log is available for setting up your main location. It's not exact, but close.
Weather Central owned?

Isn't that owned by Weather Central... the broadcast tv weather products company?

Pretty sure of it... in fact they use the same branded products.
