Pluto trigger

Willard Sharp

Apr 28, 2016
Madrid, IA
Does anyone use the Pluto trigger for lightning photography? I've been considering getting one as it has many options above and beyond the lightning trigger that I'm interested in. I currently use the Lightning Bug from MK Controls for daytime lightning, but I'm considering the switch.
I bought the Pluto trigger this winter and have yet to have a chance to use it for lightning. I'm hoping to here in the next week! I'm pretty excited to see what it can do as it seems to have a lot of potential!
I'm always a bit leery of the triggers that are also motion triggers because sometimes that means the trigger is fired by the motion of the lightning happening -- rather than than the infrared pulse that precedes it, which is what the Lightning Bug and the Stepping Stone Lightning Trigger are activated by. I had a Opteka once that claimed to do all the things that the Pluto does -- but it missed every lightning bolt.

I know their site claims to use infrared too, but even Pluto says on their Instagram that "Some users have use the Lightning mode during daytime successfully." (emphasis mine) That's not good enough for me.