Picture phones: Motorola V710 Bluetooth and others

Mar 21, 2004
Phoenix, AZ KD7SMQ mobile
I just became eligible for my Verizon new-every-two phone replacement. The new Motorola V710 leapt out at me as an awfully good deal -- not to mention an awesome gadget! :geek:

Among its promised features are the ability to record multiple 15s video clips and 1.2 megapixel still pics to a tiny, removeable flash card; email and/or store pics and vids to your computer; and Bluetooth connectivity for multi-mode internet access, replacing the Ositech wired connect. It supposedly also accomodates the high-speed access where available -- for $$$. It also has the embedded GPS locator. TBD after it arrives, but it looks like it uses the same power and accessory plugs as the V120 I have now.

Thought I'd start this thread for experiences with this or similar phones, especially for chasing.
David, please post back and let us know how your setup worked.

