

Anyone have a good place to buy a good version of Photoshop? I can't justify paying full retail price of $600+ for software... Thanks.

yea, but people are selling just the cd and it can't be registered, so I don't know if it will work, etc- no manuals... You can buy a new version but it's still $300+. Just wanted to see if anyone could point me in a direction where I could pick up what I need for $100 or under--- or let me know that there's no hope and to just fork the money out.
Software and such

To keep it on the legal side, be prepared to fork over the dough. $300 for Photoshop CS is not bad at all.

Of course you could go with an older version, though I wouldn't go below version 6.

I'm just a firm believer in paying what the program is worth.

An alternative to Photoshop would be GIMP for windows (or your favorite Linux flavor) or Paint Shop Pro. I've used Paint Shop Pro and it's a very nice program. Does most of the thing Photoshop will do and will accept most Photoshop filters.

I don't know a whole lot about GIMP, but what I've heard, it's a fairly robust program.

Jasc's Paint Shop Pro is a very capable alternative to Photoshop. The latest version runs about $100, but you should be able to find earlier versions on eBay for $50 or less.

PSP does just about everything Photoshop does. I have used it in professional web design and for all of my chase-related graphics now for 7 years.
Your best deal would be buying a digital camera, scanner, or other piece of equipment that comes with a copy of Photoshop. The version of Photoshop I use came free with my scanner, and was a much better deal than it would have been had I got the scanner and software separately. I don't think I would spend the money on Photoshop by itself unless I was a graphics artist or digital photographer by trade though....or at least planned on making money from my digital images.
Jasc's Paint Shop Pro is a very capable alternative to Photoshop. The latest version runs about $100, but you should be able to find earlier versions on eBay for $50 or less.

PSP does just about everything Photoshop does. I have used it in professional web design and for all of my chase-related graphics now for 7 years.

Agree... PSP is a very capable yet considerably less expensive alternative to Photoshop. I've used it for the past couple of years and find it to be an excellent value, considering it's 25% of the price of photoshop and can do most of the same things...
Bundled Software

I forgot about the Bundled Software that comes with scanners and the like. Usually, what you get is a copy of Photoshop Elements. This is a watered down version of Photoshop. It's interface is also more user friendly and built with the beginner in mind. A stand Alone copy will cost you about $100 at Wal-Mart or Staple. Probably less on E-Bay.
I got my copy installed from school because I volunteered to do Photoshop Training. I got an educational version via them, so perhaps something like that would help?
photo alternatives

If you use macs and want an alternative try the great graphicconverter.

For PC, try photoshop LE (comes with scanner and other software sometimes too).

You can also try JASC pro which is only about $100 but very powerful.

? let me know

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-
Dr. Eric Flescher, ([email protected]), editor MacsU.N.I.T.E. (Subscribe send email to : [email protected]) , MacCompanion Reviewer/writer (; moderator [email protected]- to subscribe [email protected]; editor TechU.N.I.T.E. (Subscribe send email to PC version TechU.N.I.T.E.- Technology Users Network for Integrating Technology into Education- to subscribe send email to [email protected]: [email protected])
I never registered my version of PS and it works just fine. Some of the other programs mentioned are great but PS is really the gold standard in digital image editting. That is one of the reasons they get away with charging so much. PS Elements is an option but if you are serious about photo editting you will miss the features of the full version.

Bottom line, you gotta shell out the dough if you want a full, legal version of PS. There are full, legal versions on Ebay that can save you a lot of money...just be careful.
are you a student or do you know anyone who is?

I got my PS educational license for about a 40 percent discount. If someone's a college student, there are companies that market these educational deals.

It is the same program.

Thank you again for all the replies and help. Couple more questions...

I just got a Canon Digital Rebel-

1. The camera came with Photoshop Elements? Is this going to give me all the functionality that I want to edit pictures for a basic user?

2. There is also software called File Viewer Utility and Zoom Browser EX. Both these seem to be ways to convert images taken and save them in new formats or edit the picture. Do I really need these? or can't I just use Photoshop?

These are probably stupid questions, but I've never owned a digital camera like this. I guess you have to start someplace! It sure would make life easier if I knew someone here in Arizona that knew what they were doing with this camera. I'm not the best at reading and learning :oops:
Thanks again!
photoshop elements

photoshop elements (don't know whether you have 1 or version 2) have most of the features that a basic editor might want to manage their photo files. In fact the 2 version has a real nice way to merge one or more panoramas that is really nice to use. It is even easier then elements 1,

If you let me know what you want to do specifically I can figure out whether that is what you want.

Dr.Eric Flescher ([email protected]),Olathe, KS -Storm Satori-
Dr. Eric Flescher, ([email protected]), editor MacsU.N.I.T.E. (Subscribe send email to : [email protected]) , MacCompanion Reviewer/writer (; moderator [email protected]- to subscribe [email protected]; editor TechU.N.I.T.E. (Subscribe send email to PC version TechU.N.I.T.E.- Technology Users Network for Integrating Technology into Education- to subscribe send email to [email protected]: [email protected])