Photo Editing Question

The nikon D40 does not have the bracketting feature or at least I can not find it. I'll have to use the method Greg mentioned until I upgrade my gear.

Thanks again guys.
Though the D40 doesn't have bracketing, you could still try it just by being in manual mode and changing the aperture up a stop, and then turn it around to -1 stop from the metered exposure. It'll give you a taste for it to start experimenting with until you have a camera that does auto-bracketing.
My brother also said you can edit the photos in Lightroom to make certain areas look good in three seperate photos. You then merge them in a program to get similar results. Not a true HDR but it will help with areas that need it.
Yes, I use Adobe Camera RAW to do this some times. You have to shoot in RAW to do it. Pull the image up, set the exposure to "-1", then save a 16 bit TIF file. Set it to "0", save. Set it to "1", save. You can use these three resulting files in Photomatix to create what's sometimes called a "psuedo" HDR. You will generally end up with a lot of noise doing this, but it can create good results. You can also manually layer them in Photoshop for less noise, but it requires skill in masking.

Here's a psuedo HDR shot:

great thread, this will provide some useful tips, info, for my new 5D Mk-II I just got.

looking forward to getting some work in with the new camera soon.