Doswell says he would NEVER be a member of ST, yet he uses ST to state that, and to convey his opinion. This in MY opinion and would be like saying, "I would NEVER join the Republican Party, but would go to the Republican Party Convention, tell them that I would never be a Republican, and then tell them reasons WHY.
That is not a fair analogy.
Doswell was responding to flames about HIM. I have been to other forums that had nothing to do with chasing or any of my interests do set the record straight. They posted bad information about storm chase tours based on their pre-conceived ideas, not about facts. I went on the forum to state the facts and never joined.
If you were not a Republican and the republican party was flaming you, you DO have a right to respond to them without joining the republican party.
Why should he be obligated to join this forum, especially with the recent flames about him, most of which are not based on first hand knowledge.