This was the biggest consideration I had to make before deciding to chase: no matter how good you are, no matter what method you follow and how sound it is, no matter how many chases you've had in the past, you are putting yourself at added risk to do this, every single time. Whether it be from the tornado itself, getting whacked by a surprise satellite or second tornado, getting pegged in the wrong place by hail or debris while getting a shot, or, most likely, running off the road and killing yourself because it's wet and windy or for some totally nonrelated reason (maybe some drunk driver is driving as fast as he can the other way to escape the storm), your chances of living most likely decrease than if you were sitting at home watching from afar, unless you happen to chase down an EF-5 from a safe distance behind that ends up wrecking your own house.
Therefore, if one defines "yahoo" as "one who deliberately increases his risk of being injured or killed because of chasing a storm," we are all yahoos. We all increase our chances of washing our genes out from the evolutionary pool, provided we haven't reached an age already where we can no longer be able to produce offspring.
If one defines "yahoo" as someone who engages in business that ups their risk even more, then that is their choice to make, so long as they don't overtly break any laws that affect others, harm others directly with their chasing methods, or, worst of all, fail to call in dangerous storms or call in damage/injuries along the path of the storms, especially if they are first on the scene. Wishing death on this type of a "yahoo" that isn't overtly committing felonies is the same as a Marine wishing death on another Marine who likes to be the first one to kick down the door and fight so long as the order to do so was given and he doesn't otherwise behave in ways that endanger other Marines.
Perhaps those who advocate this position should say, in my opinion: "I believe in Darwin, and though his theory affects all of us chasers to some extent, there are those who are flirting with extinction in an even more dangerous manner. Therefore we need to educate these people whenever we can and by any means possible, but if they don't listen, the only thing we can do is wish for the best for them."