Online learning

Bobbi Andrzejek

What are the best sites for learning about forecasting severe weather? I want to understand more of what I read when I study other people's forecasts, and I would eventually like to make my own for my own use.

I really would like to understand more of what creates the storms, what factors need to be present and how they interact. RIght now, I truly enjoy what I see and experience, but I want to understand the science behind it.
Thos are excellent links. I'd also like to add these great sites too:

One suggestion I have is to read the area forecast discussions (AFDs)from your local NWS office. You'll come across alot of jargon and terminology, but then you can dig around and find out what they are talking about and apply it. You won't get it all overnight, but gradually things start filling in fairly quickly. This is a great way to learn forecasting techniques.