"On the Road" Data Site

Jan 18, 2004
DeKalb, IL
I finally got around to updating my "On the Road" site. The site is a clean and uncluttered clearinghouse of links to data we all use while "on the road." I know a number of you have used this site in the past and would prefer an updated version (as there are a number of broken links on the old site). Anyway, you may obtain the new site here: http://chubasco.niu.edu/tor/tor.zip

The best thing to do is download the zipped folder to your laptop, unzip it to your desktop, and create a shortcut to the index.html file on your desktop. That way you don't have to continually download the web pages while you are on the road with a slow connection -- i.e., it saves bandwidth.

If you plan to upload it to your own server, please obtain permission from me first.

If you find any errors or dead hotlinks (I'm sure there are a few), let me know.

Have a great chase season ...