Feb 19, 2005
Macon, MO
Apparently the NWS has a new WAP URL for forecasts which is www.srh.noaa.gov/wml. I took the wireless web off my phone. If you can try it out, please post your comments about it here, so I and other users of ST can see if it is a good site. Thanks :D
Originally posted by Mikel Shively
Apparently the NWS has a new WAP URL for forecasts which is www.srh.noaa.gov/wml. I took the wireless web off my phone. If you can try it out, please post your comments about it here, so I and other users of ST can see if it is a good site. Thanks :D

I added it's companion mobile.srh.weather.gov on there the other day. Takes a little bit of navigating, but you can get darn near everything we would want out there including a low and high rez radar. I stuck it in my phone just as a backup.
That is pretty cool stuff 8) . Personally, I prefer the link that David mentioned above. The reasoning for that is you can scroll through on one page on what you want to view. You can also get the SPC day outlooks and mes. discussions from that site 8).

The two downsides I have noticed are:
1) The radar loop doesn't work on my cell-phone :(
2) To view just the radar for Wichita, you have to click central & scroll all the way to the bottom to the Wichita radar site :(

In addition, obviously as David mentioned this isn't going to replace laptops for example, but wouldn't be a bad backup tool. Plus, with the radar (at least on my phone) you can not read the cities names since the screen is way to small :(.
For what it's worth, I'm still working on my own WAP weather page. I'm in the process of putting all Plains radar images on there (reflectivity, velocity, and nearly all other products, all in reduced size and FULL size, as in 800x600 or whatever the standard is), along with visible satellite, wind profilers, etc. My phone has been out of commission since 4-21, so I haven't been able to test anything in that regard. The new page is located at http://wap.tornadocentral.com ... SPC products page is located at http://wap.tornadocentral.com/spc.wml
Thanks for that info Jeff....Sounds Awesome. I dont have a laptop, So that will be 2nd best for me....now to just con the wife to let me put it back on :wink:
I just tried both your pages on my cell phone Jeff and the first one wap.tornadocentral.com didn't work. However, I'm not surprised that it didn't work as my cell phone browser is "picky". I was kind of of surprised that David's and Mikel's links worked :shock:. Only have 7 months left on the contract before I get another phone :lol: .

Anyway, back on subject, Jeff your SPC page looks really nice and I went ahead and bookmarked it on my phone :).
Originally posted by Bobby Lang
I just tried both your pages on my cell phone Jeff and the first one wap.tornadocentral.com didn't work. However, I'm not surprised that it didn't work as my cell phone browser is \"picky\". I was kind of of surprised that David's and Mikel's links worked :shock:. Only have 7 months left on the contract before I get another phone :lol: .

Anyway, back on subject, Jeff your SPC page looks really nice and I went ahead and bookmarked it on my phone :).

Same here, second worked great, first one didn't come up.