NWS ftp radar product sn.xxxx

Apr 16, 2010
Omaha, NE
I'm writing a program that may solve a radar data problem when I am in CDMA data locations. I should be able to write this program with minimal issues except for translating the "sn.xxxx" file format to a graphical representation as JPG or PNG. I was wondering if anyone knows of a specification for this file format (whatever they call it). I have sent the NWS an email for this particular issue but haven't received a response. If you know of a publication on this subject or all of the NWS products that would be helpful too.
Which product does the sn.xxxx file represent? I've been writing my own decoder and viewer, but can't remember the naming conventions off the top of my head. I did look at the documentation for those file specifications, but it was pretty grisly. I could dig it up again if I looked. An easier approach that I found was to follow an existing implementation in the open source, Java based NCDC Weather and Climate Toolkit:

The level 3 radar products are not that complex once you know where stuff is... just a few properties in the header, and then a couple loops to iterate through the pixel data gets you everything. The documentation makes it look a lot more complicated.

Here's some documentation, not sure if these are the right ones:

I'm moving this out of B&G since writing software to decode radar is on topic and it will get more exposure.
You can download Eclipse for free and launch WCT from the debugger and break in the code where that file gets opened. It reads the header and then decodes the bins (the pixel data). The variable names are pretty easy to understand if you're familiar with the radar products and how they work (like the tilt, elevation, scan angle). It made a lot more sense to me than trying to read the specifications at least. I can probably fire up my project and help if you run into any specific snags figuring stuff out.