Nov. 30th snowstorm effects at Lake Of The Ozarks MO

Nov 28, 2005
Overland Park KS
The effects of the ft. plus snowstorm were pretty devastating to much of the Lake of the Ozarks boat docks where hundreds of boats were crushed or swamped. This is the link for a series of pictures of the boat docks, and how most fared miserably by the crushing weight of the heavy snow.

If you squemish by the sight of ruined lake yachts and very nice boats, please exercise caution when viewing these photos. Hopefully none of our storm chaser community had a boat that was damaged there. :eek:
Those are wild photos. A workmate passed them along to me this morning. Lots of great boats took it on the chin, looks like. I'd say there are some unhappy slip owners out there. The site mentions that the boats have been steadily sinking under the weight.

It was such a bizarre storm in the first place. From my office I can see the full 360 view across KC ... and it was cool to notice on the warmer days this week when the snow started to melt, there was a distinct line that ran just south of downtown where the heavier snow fell, right up against the line of bare ground to the north. You could also see where the heavy snow was from a 'wall' of fog that hung over the snow on those days. Very interesting to be able to see that from the 29th floor. I got six inches at my house, but just a mile east and south of me received a foot, a couple miles to the north got a dusting.
The St. Louis news media are reporting that the total damage in the Lake of the Ozarks area may reach $100 million. There is also similar, though less widespread, damage to marinas along the Mississippi River in St. Charles Co., MO, perhaps amounting to $15-20 million. Marinas on the Illinois side appear to have escaped serious damage.
As bad as that looks, most of the boats are salvageable with only cosmetic damage. Ripped canvas, scratched paint, broken windows, etc.

What's the deal with the covered slips in that part of the country? You never see anything like that around here.