North Texans Pull Out All the Stops to Protect Cars From Hail

Randy Jennings

May 18, 2013
There was mass hysteria in the DFW area yesterday over the forecast calling for large hail. Schools and churches cancelled evening events. Some large employers closed early. Southwest cancelled all flights in and out of Love Field from 6 to 10 PM. The strong cap won out for the most part and the forecast didn't verify in the eyes of the public (although tell that to the folks in Wise County TX who got several rounds of hail up to 2" and see what reaction you get). I've seen numerous vehicles where people had attempted to protect them from hail. NBC 5 has a photo gallery with over 200 pictures of vehicles and the ways folks tried to protect them. While some of these where people kidding around, some of these folks where very serious. Sad thing is, I would bet some of them did as much damage to their vehicles trying to protect them as hail would have done.

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I dont understand this...half of these pictures are cars in front of garages. Garages have a purpose people, and its not hoarding or a playroom for your kids. FFS.
If folks spent half the time cleaning out their garages as they did putting inflatable pool toys on their cars so they could take a picture to send to the local TV station....

My thought is many (maybe even most) of these folks where doing it for the fame of being on TV instead of doing it to really protect their cars.