Night on the Bridge (12/26/15 Garland TX Tornado)

Randy Jennings

May 18, 2013
Garland, TX (WFAA) - "On December 26, an EF4 tornado crossed a small stretch of I-30 in Garland. The Tornado killed 9 people. Kimberly Tippett and her one year old son Kamryn, Petra Ruiz, Timothy Harris, Jose Juarez, Leo Mota, Cecil Lowrie, LaShondra Whitaker and Sharva Sanders. Within hours, the highway was back open and attention quickly shifted to the more immediate needs of a massive disaster. The tragedy that occurred here was seemingly forgotten. In any other situation, if nine people had died, we'd still be talking about it."

Full story at:

WFAA News 8 aired an almost 11 minute feature story on 2/26/2016 about the 9 people who where killed when a EF4 tornado crossed I-30 on 12/26/2015. The story includes interviews with first responders, police detectives, witnesses, and families and includes video shot from the scene moments after the tragedy.

A word of warning: some people may find parts of the video graphic and it does contain a traffic camera video that shows 3 cars being blown from the overpass (it just looks like a blur to me, but an investigator told me that if you slow it down it is obvious what it is).
This is part of the media I really don't care for and their lack of respect for families and victims for showing that footage to boost ratings. I killed my stream when I saw the cars being ejected from the hwy. There are some things that shouldn't be rebroadcasted just out of respect. I know others have different opinions about that though. I denied selling my footage for that reason and Scott Peak edited out of his footage too before he posted it. I am surprised they didn't pull the radio traffic though.

Also some of those vehicles were being picked up from the apartments on the south side of 30 and lofted across the hwy. One even hit the 130' high mast light pole and bent it in half like it was a straw. They sent DPS 101 up to search heat signatures because those vehicles were unoccupied and they didn't know at the time where those vehicles came from.

What happened that evening should have NEVER happened and on that note I will not comment further before I get myself in trouble.
It may not be my place to say so or respond, but I think what is trying to be said, is that the 9 lives that were lost, could have been prevented. In other words that is what is meant by "It should have never happened". In most cases, when people die in a tornado, there is something that could have been done to prevent it. Warning was had, people chose to be in their vehicle instead of a tornado shelter. In today's society filled with technology and social media, there is absolutely NO excuse for not getting a warning (unless of course one was not issued, in which this case, it WAS). Like or don't like it, that is the truth.
Oh I see now. But I'll disagree with your clarification. In a perfect world, where every NWS Tornado Warning was followed by a tornado, and the NWS polygon only was in effect for the area directly impacted by a tornado, I could see your point. But a LARGE majority of tornado warnings are false. Most polygons cover 99% more of the area than what is actually impacted by a tornado. Could you imagine what would have happened if everyone in every warning area always abandoned their cars for the nearest ditch for EVERY tornado warning? There's a reason we are continuing to work on the social side of meteorology -- but saying that those who died has NO excuse is simply wrong. They had plenty of excuses...
Fair enough. Perhaps my my clarification was a bit harsh. However I said there is absolutely no excuse for not GETTING a warning (especially when there are so many methods out there to receive it). I don't know the circumstances of those who were on that highway. Perhaps they had the warning and just chose to ignore it, perhaps they didn't get it at all, or perhaps they thought they had time. I don't think anyone, except, those in that situation, could answer that, so anything on that is pure speculation. Regardless, its too bad that anyone has to perish, and I certainly don't have any ill will towards those that have passed in such a terrible situation. Hopefully my response didn't come off that way to anyone....
Copy that. Remember though that drivers under 18 have no idea there is a tornado warning since they can't use their cellphone at all. They can't even answer the phone to answer if mom or dad calls. Anyone listening to satellite radio won't get it. There's a lot of technology out there to get around this - but the issue isn't always just about getting it.
Rob, if you have any experience chasing in Oklahoma then you would know that there is something OHP does and do VERY well in addition to the other local law inforcement in the warned area. That is one of a couple areas where those little details are over looked here and I've kicked that bee hive many times locally and ruffled many feathers. I won't go into detail as it could be a conflict of interest but, if you pull the radio traffic from that evening you will discover something very interesting that was conveyed and requested and ignored. There is a reason why it's been swept under the rug like it is because they know a ball was dropped and it could have been prevented. They have been warned over and over again and it's like beating a dead horse and one organization, not NWS but local has been warned about this and they have been told it would cause a loss of lives and never changed their SOP regarding it.

For those of us local and know what's going on. There is somewhat a hidden message in Marks statements and it's nothing new and has been going on for years and years and this organization needs to get their act together or it will happen again.
I think the footage might be a wakeup call for many. There still are too many who do not understand what the actions of a tornado or violent winds can do to an automobile and the havoc it can reign down on an area.