Remember, this story comes from the New York Times, one of the most inaccurate sources for news in America.
You might want to chill with that overblown rhetoric. Yeah, NYT has some reasonably questionable opinion pieces and occasionally gets things wrong, but overstating their errors like that conflates NYT (which many people would argue is still a reliable source most of the time even if they occasionally have high profile blunders) with sources like InfoWars, TYT, Breitbart etc., which are pretty clearly among the most inaccurate news sources in America.
Furthermore, subsequent stories on this issue have come from other sources such as the Washington Post. But really, all one needs to do is check in with the happenings at the annual NWA meeting. Louis Uccellini and Neil Jacobs himself have spoken there and corroborated the reporting from the NYT, so this is not an example of a mistaken news story.