New to Chasing Tropical Weather

Robert Payne

Sep 2, 2019
Las Vegas, NV
Hello Everyone,

I'm brand new to the site and a novice to hurricane chasing. I've been obsessed with weather since I was in elementary school but only ever got the opportunity to do a chase once as a teenager fresh out of high school (Tropical Storm Arlene 2005). I've also lived most of my life in Florida and been directly impacted by major hurricanes over a half dozen times. I've gotten to a point in my life were I could theoretically start trying to chase again but if my one chase taught me anything, it's that I have a lot to learn and a lot of prep work that needs to be done to have a safe and successful chase.

I've noticed on this site there is a lot of discussion regarding tornado chasing but not a lot of resources for someone to learn more about chasing tropical weather. What advice do you have for people like me looking to get into hurricane chasing? Do you know of any resources or training material you would recommend? Anything would be appreciated.

Take a look at the links that a couple members in this thread posted. There's some good info on them.

This thread is also worth reading.

I remember seeing another, but can't find it right now...
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Hello Everyone,

I'm brand new to the site and a novice to hurricane chasing. I've been obsessed with weather since I was in elementary school but only ever got the opportunity to do a chase once as a teenager fresh out of high school (Tropical Storm Arlene 2005). I've also lived most of my life in Florida and been directly impacted by major hurricanes over a half dozen times. I've gotten to a point in my life were I could theoretically start trying to chase again but if my one chase taught me anything, it's that I have a lot to learn and a lot of prep work that needs to be done to have a safe and successful chase.

I've noticed on this site there is a lot of discussion regarding tornado chasing but not a lot of resources for someone to learn more about chasing tropical weather. What advice do you have for people like me looking to get into hurricane chasing? Do you know of any resources or training material you would recommend? Anything would be appreciated.

The hurricane been getting stronger hasn’t it?
Hello Everyone,

I'm brand new to the site and a novice to hurricane chasing. I've been obsessed with weather since I was in elementary school but only ever got the opportunity to do a chase once as a teenager fresh out of high school (Tropical Storm Arlene 2005). I've also lived most of my life in Florida and been directly impacted by major hurricanes over a half dozen times. I've gotten to a point in my life were I could theoretically start trying to chase again but if my one chase taught me anything, it's that I have a lot to learn and a lot of prep work that needs to be done to have a safe and successful chase.

I've noticed on this site there is a lot of discussion regarding tornado chasing but not a lot of resources for someone to learn more about chasing tropical weather. What advice do you have for people like me looking to get into hurricane chasing? Do you know of any resources or training material you would recommend? Anything would be appreciated.

I’m new to lol becoming a storm chaser is like my dream lol