New google ads

Originally posted by Andrew Khan+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Andrew Khan)</div>
I hate the new ad layout. takes away from a bunch of things...[/b]

Are we talking about the change from a text-block that was to the right of the "Stormtrack" title on the top of the page to the more horizontally-aligned "Ads by Google" that's under the Profile / "PM" / Log Out "menu" now? It's a little more distracting I suppose, but how does it take away from a bunch of things?
I liked the 'old' random ad panel. It was easy to click on, and appeared to have ST specific information embeded in the link; hopefily giving ST a few hit credits and a few pennies per visit.

Originally posted by Jeff Snyder+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jeff Snyder)</div>
Originally posted by Andrew Khan@

I hate the new ad layout. takes away from a bunch of things...

Are we talking about the change from a text-block that was to the right of the "Stormtrack" title on the top of the page to the more horizontally-aligned "Ads by Google" that's under the Profile / "PM" / Log Out "menu" now? It's a little more distracting I suppose, but how does it take away from a bunch of things?[/b]

It just seems like it makes things feel to much space between the originating text and the websites frames.
Hmmm this seems odd to me. The block takes up more space and stands out more than a thin line of text links going horizontally. It looks less like there are actually ads on the site when you get rid of that big box. One thing seems certain is you'll get more clicks on the links the other way(horizontal line). And a free site does need some means to help offset time and expenses so I'd want whatever works the best at getting actual clicks. If you aren't going to get clicks there isn't much sense in having them on at all.

Google recommends they run horizontally. So, if it looks less annoying(imo the new way did) and gets more clicks I'd say use it that way. I do not get how a thin line of a few text links takes anymore away from the site than the big box in the corner. But hey I don't get alot of things, lol.

I offered the idea to Tim after giving him the numbers I'm getting with mine. It seemed like google's suggestion of running them horizontally is correct. I don't even run the words with the link, like can be seen on the ONE ad in the upper corner. I run 5 horizontally, that take up the same space as that one box and it stands out less......and most gets more clicks. When I see the big box I think advertisement and don't even bother reading it, let alone considering to click on it. When I see one or two word text links I am alot more apt to click on it to check it out.
During the 12 or so hours we had the horizontal bar up, the click rates dropped to almost zero... so the old format seems to be the way to go for us. I'm not sure why we get differing results. Personally I like the block ad because it's a neatly-packed block of information (kind of like a station plot), while the horizontal bar is like mystery meat and doesn't indicate very clearly where the link is going to go. That's all I can figure. It was worth trying, though.

During the 12 or so hours we had the horizontal bar up, the click rates dropped to almost zero... so the old format seems to be the way to go for us.

Hmmm, I'm not sure how good a test that is when it looked to be started at night into the morning and only for 12 hours or so. During that time frame and only that long I can't see "almost zero" being a big for sure signal...but maybe. Also, part of that I noticed it wasn't even a link bar but a search bar, which could also not help that short trial.

Here is what I am getting with the horizontal bar method.

From mid-day Saturday January 7 through mid-day today.

Page impressions: 6,957
Clicks: 204
Page CTR: 2.9%

For that many days 204 is not a big number when it comes down to per day(20/day). I bet the majority of those aren't coming in the overnight and pre-noon hours.

Also, that block keeps going to and from the mystery meat way as it is right now.