New Experimental Upper Air Data Source

Jun 19, 2005
New Mexico
Hi All,

Little nervous about presenting this... I only recently (today) made this website. The program that runs it has been in development by me for only a few weeks. So there is I am sure much to work out, and uncertainty, but optimism, about the quality of the data.

However, even though it is experimental, hopefully this will develop with your support. What I made recently is a program that calculates the upper air wind speeds and directions from overlapping radar coverage with NEXRAD. Thus, this could provide information about upper level winds where none is usually or infrequently found. However, because of it's unique nature, vectors can only be derived for unique circumstances. Hence the coverage will likely remain sparse.

Here's the link...

The website should cover more information. However, since it too was only recently made the descriptions of the maps will be further developed too.
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I made some changes since last night to increase stability. The program that produces the maps will now restart automatically if it crashes (there are some reasons it would crash which are out of my control). Also, I have made it so that 2 computers can process information at the same time and update to the same maps. This will hopefully increase stability and refresh rates for the information.

If you have any comments or questions about the site, feel free to reply!

Edit: BTW anyone know how in HTML to force a refresh, what I've found online doesn't seem to work.
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<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" />

the 5 is 5 seconds.

The operative thing to make it work is it needs to go in the HEAD section of the HTML document.


Thanks, I believe I got that fixed now. Also, corrected problem with old red arrows not going away. I believe all is now up and running correctly. I hope this becomes useful when it comes to deciding between targets.
Seems this could be useful in many ways. Kinda like profiler data only updates more often huh?
Is there any interest in a 15000m map?

Unfortunately, this method can not probe velocities lower than 9000m with this setup, however I believe I can go higher than 12km. Also, I'm currently trying to understand why there are differences between this data and sounding and/or profiler data. I delve a little bit into this in the about section.
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If you use that full URL in each of the elements, you'll lessen the chance the page will cache in somebody's browser. Thus, the Meta Refresh for the page [SIZE=-1]upper_air_9000_lo.html [/SIZE]would become:

[SIZE=-1]Take careful note of where the open and close quotes in the value of the CONTENT attribute are.

[/SIZE]Another alternative is using JavaScript.

			<title>Auto Reload</title>
			<script language="JavaScript">
			var time = null
			function move() {
			window.location = ''
			<body onload="timer=setTimeout('move()',3000)">
			<p>see this page refresh itself in 3 secs.<p>

The javascript version will only work if user does not have javascript disabled. No reason you couldn't use both on the same page, but I'd suggest making the javascript's milliseconds the equiv. of the http-refresh's seconds.