New England Nor'easter, historic early snowfall

Dec 14, 2003
Surprised nobody has mentioned this yet, since this October surprise storm is looking to break all kinds of early season snowfall records, not to mention bringing yet another round of widespread power outages to the same areas hard hit by Hurricane Irene. We're getting hammered here in New Haven CT, where they've just upped the expected snow totals to 10 inches, with considerably more forecast for the interior. A protracted period of rain along the coast failed to materialize, with the precip starting as snow almost everywhere, extremely wet, heavy snow falling right from the get go. Temps were actually above freezing, but the initial heavy snow band was so intense that slushy snow began accumulating almost immediately. I'd say we got that first inch in about 20 minutes, which is truly astonishing when you consider how much was melting on contact. The snow just kept coming, faster than it could melt. Very unusual for this time of year, to say the least. Trees in the area mostly still have all their leaves, and they just can't take the weight... Numerous power outages already, and I expect that will get much worse when the high winds really start to kick in. Looks like one for the record books, for sure.