Need Severe Weather Alert MP3 File... Anyone Have It?

Mar 19, 2005
Independence, MO
Hey gang,

I'm trying to find an MP3 file of the severe weather alert tone that precedes warnings to use in the audio track of my chapter of Storms of 2008, but I have not been having any luck at all.
Does anyone have such a file, or know where I can find one?

Hi Everyone,

I was just looking at this post and found it very interesting.

Does anybody know of where I can find a online tone generator? I tried using Google but can't seem to find it.

I am currently working with Text-To-Speech in Objective-C (such as speech warnings, conditions, and forecasts) for a project.

Is there a Java Applet that does audio tone generation?

Is it possible with Adobe Production Studio's or Final Cut Studio's products to make a audio tone?

Chris Zenzel
Refer to the post above ya..

NCH has some pretty sweet programs that are free for a long time and cheap after that.. I like their wave pad program in which you can do some sweet editiing things...